Thursday, May 12, 2011

gender on the farm

I knew there would be gender things on the farm.
After all the employment roll is 100% male.
But gender is coming out in ways I didn't expect.
Ren Man's grandmother is flabbergasted that I'm expected to work in the barn and on the farm in general.
I saw an elderly woman's eyes go big when she saw me hauling fence posts to the truck at a store in town.
I find that when something goes wrong, I'm quick to take responsibility if appropriate - the guys are quick to blame something or someone else.

On the flip side:
I'm offended when my father-in-law doesn't offer to carry one of the two milk cans I'm carrying when he's only carrying a sweatshirt - or least offer to open the door when my hands are full! But that might not be a gender thing - after all, if the roles were reversed I'd definitely offer to help him. Hmmm ... maybe that's just him ;) You can almost see his brain working, he's got 1,000 things lists he's running through simultaneously - pretty much constantly. It's incredible. He's incredible.

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