Friday, October 24, 2008

I see you

Psst- I have been checking from time to time how people are finding this blog.
I know there are lurkers.
I was wondering what you are interested in reading....
My day-to-day life (wake up, too tired, take care of babies, etc.)
Mommy issues (like The Price of Being *Just* a Mom entries)
A mix (you like it the way it is)
Something else?

I'm curious.
I sometimes get laxadasical (is that how that is spelled?) about entries because I'm assuming no one is reading (not including my devoted mother, sister, mil, and heterosexual life partner, of course... you guys are reading it, right?).
So there's a poll to the right- go vote.
It's all about my readers:)


Kate@MKDPhotography said...

Had to vote didn't leave the I like it the way it is option!

Ms. Jackson said...

I love all the pictures, but I read pretty much everything. can you tell that people check out your blog without left comments?

Anonymous said...

I just found you because you found us. I'm Heather Kempskie, co author of The Siblings Busy Book and host of the sibling blog at Welcome to the blogging world! Personally, I love to read about mom issues. Love your posts so far!

Angela said... caught me. I read because I love you and seeing pictures of the kids and hearing about your adventures. And because I dig your style. need to change anything in my opinion :).

P.S. I promise to actually comment in the future.