Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am woman

Recently read a critique (in Bust or B*tch- can't remember which)
of Nair's ad campaign targeting teens.
The campaign states:
"It's not that you're obsessed or anything
but maybe you've noticed that the hair on your legs (and other parts of your body)
is just a little bit thicker and darker than before. Chill.
You're growing up... it's all good.
Nair has a line of hair removal products just for teens that remove unwanted hair below the skin's surface- which means you stay smoother longer without ugly bumps or cuts.
And that means your skin is just what it should be...
The critique pointed out that Nair is claiming that this "thicker and darker" hair means "you're growing up" but don't worry- Nair can "remove unwanted hair" so that your skin can be "what it should be... pretty"- not to be confused with grown up.
I'm not ready to ditch the razor yet (and have actually recently purchased an epilator) but this article got me thinking.
The implication is that hair comes as females mature.
But hair is bad.
Ergo (side note: a little unsure about using the word "ergo" when I keep thinking Ergo) mature female is bad?
Is this not glaringly obviously what Nair's ad campaign is saying?
Tempted to throw out razor.
But then my skin wouldn't be "just what it should be... pretty" and then what would I do.

On a related note...
I recently read The Boss of You in preparation for launching Brown Eyed Photography (website coming soon). In the book several amazing female entrepreneurs (whose numbers, I'm sure, include mature yet leg shaved women) are profiled- among them the creators of Lunapads. When brainstorming their marketing strategies these clever women decided to embrace the miracle that is the period. Yeah, it's no fun- but it doesn't have to be the monthly event that is depicted as so dreaded because mysterious blue liquid fills a pad, (as seen on conventional period products commercials). Instead, Lunapads asserts that we should embrace and appreciate the fact that our periods mean we are healthy fertile women.
(See Luna Pads teen campaign here)
I may be addicted to hair removal
but cloth pads...
yeah, I can do that.
In fact- I started using cloth pads and the diva cup between pregnancies and... wow.
Yeah- way better.

Aunt Flo has not made a visit yet since Del's birth
And here's the crazy thing
I kindof miss her.
Not the wearing the pad, crampy (although those are minimized when you stop using the yucky conventional pads from the store), tired part-
but the- I know I'm healthy and I know I'm not pregnant part.

So while I may choose to remove unwanted hair
I also choose to embrace the strong woman within that is powerful, decisive, mature
and also gentle, maternal, and sometimes insecure
and then some
because I'm too big to fit into a box
and that is a wonderful thing.

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