Tuesday, March 29, 2011

735 pictures later


You may have seen on facebook that after an embarrassing lag in print ordering - I managed to sit down and order prints of our life. I haven't had a picture printed since the moment we were pregnant with Farm Girl. So Ark Boy has pictures until 15mos printed and then suddenly - none! Never mind Baby Farm Girl.
Ya know ...
considering that whole Photography thing.
What prompted all of this is that while at Imaging, a photo conference hosted by Professional Photographers of America, we listened to several excellent speakers. One talked about the importance of pictures - it may be the last you have of that family member. It doesn't matter that it's not technically perfect or that it's tiny in size - it just matters that you have it.
And I realized that I hadn't printed pictures for us in a l-o-n-g time. And we haven't backed them up - at all - ever. We back up Brown Eyed Photography client proofs - definitely. But not our personal images. Ren Man wants me to cull before we back up. That's super overwhelming! With over 16k personal pictures (so not including BEP) - yeah, overwhelming.
But I went through and ordered 735 and now - even if our hard drive was wiped ... it would be okay.
I just have to remember that I ordered up until March 2011 when I'm ready to order again in 3 years ;)

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