Friday, March 18, 2011

Valdale Farm


Before we left Vermont for our adventures in RI we knew we'd want to go back to VT - specifically to farm.
Now the time has come for us to move and launch our farm life.
So we made a website for the farm.
I'd love to hear what you think of the site (all constructive criticism welcomed and considered!)

If you'd like to follow us through this transition and beyond feel free to subscribe to the farm blog. That blog will detail what's going on as far as the farm is concerned and I'll continue to blog here about our family life (current big family challenge is home schooling decisions!) and of course the photography blog here.
Yes, three blogs.
I'm only slightly embarrassed.
So if you'd like to stalk us to the fullest there's this Mommy Do It! blog, then the farm blog and finally the photography blog. Comments are welcome (and encouraged!) on all three.


Unknown said...

The link 'a website for the farm' doesn't work. Just saying.

Amateur Author said...

fixed it. Thanks!