Saturday, May 15, 2010

25 month 3-way comparison


Someone recently said they didn't think Farm Girl looked like anyone.
I was shocked.
Everyone from the very beginning... well, when she got cuter, not the actual very beginning, said she looks exactly like me.
So I pulled a picture of myself (showing amazing big-sister-skills that Farm Girl also possesses, she just lacks the younger sibling) from around the same age.
Eh - the similarities aren't so great.
And just for kicks I threw Ark Boy in there too.
Wish there was a picture of Ren Man, but this is what I've got.


Ms. Jackson said...

you look like you're trying to crawl onto my back!

librarian pirate said...

you two have the same eyes and the same mouth!

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

I think Del looks like you!