Having our dog, Eden, has been a bigger challenge than I anticipated. Mostly Ren Man has little patience for her puppy antics. She jumps more than she should (but is much better than she was), she runs away at most opportunities (she recently broke a leash), she chases the cat (the cat that I hold Ren Man completely responsible for ... but I have been the
primary only litter box cleaner ...).
Everyone who meets Eden tells us she's an awesome puppy and she's so calm for a puppy and we're so lucky ... oh, and it will get better.
Here is her adorable self:
Oh oops, that's a giant collection of hair after brushing her recently sitting on top of our 13" laptop - just to give perspective.
Underneath all that hair is the adorable laid-back-for-a-puppy-Great-Pyranese-Eden:
What's the
craziest best puppy experience you've had?
I LOVE that breed of dog!!!!! They are so hugable! So how did the move go and what paintng projects are you involved in?
haha - she's hugable but also crazy sometimes. She LOVES snow. I'm hoping she'll calm down in the next 6months or so (she just turned one).
I'm up to my eyeballs in wallpaper paste! We've stripped 2.5 rooms of wallpaper, primed three rooms, and one of those rooms has the first coat of paint. Pictures to come, for sure. At least the before and after ... I'm not sure about how much of the in-process.
In the meantime blogging will be lagging because our internet is still trying to figure itself out. One of the drawbacks of living away from town.
That's an impressive list of accomplishments!!!! Will look forward to your before and after pictures. I know all about the joys of living away from town. We are 15 miles from a town of any size. Consequently I make a very complete list when I go to the grocery store!
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