Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dear Noah 5yrs 9mos

Dear Mr. Noah,
You started archery this month and you're loving it ... except the part that it requires that you get out of bed before you're usual roll out of bed. As much as your sister and I share personalities - you and I share the love of staying in bed late and generally we're not morning people. Most archery mornings you say you want to do archery but you really want to "rest a little more first". I understand entirely - you know it will be fun once you get there but the motivation is hard to come by. When your instructor is expecting you though it's important that we show up, you can opt out of future archery lessons. You always decide you want to keep having lessons.


You lost your second tooth this month! So exciting. AND you had your first-ever dentist appointment. I feel guilty that we didn't take you earlier but it really didn't seem necessary at age one when the notices started coming in the mail that you should go. So that made me less inclined to jump on the dentist train any earlier. You were very brave at the dentist and you're looking forward to going back again. Between that and no cavities I would say it was a success! Oh! And - you have two 6-year molars already and the other two are half way through. All you seem to do is grow, grow, grow. Even your teeth show up early!

But not too too fast. We were watching a tv show recently when a grown daughter got into bed with her mom when she was having a bad day. I kind of laughed at that and asked you if you'd still be getting into our bed when you're a man. You are certain that you will still be getting into our bed for snuggles.


You started out this month much hairier on your head than you are now. You kept saying you wanted to wait to cut your hair until summer. Grammy commented that your hair was long on various days and you'd tell her that you wanted to cut it when it gets hot out OR you'd tell her that you wanted a haircut ... tomorrow, not today. This went on for a couple of months. Then one day you decided it was THE day and you wanted a fauxhawk. It was Mommy's first time cutting your hair and I'm impressed - but more importantly - you love your haircut! It did make you age a million years, but that happens every time we cut your hair.


Your two favorite things in the entire world right now are video games and legos. Legos are one thing (mostly helped by the fact that they are contained to one room) but video games create a mad house! We've talked about addiction because it's really like that. You want to play all.the.time and when you can't play you're a wreck. When you've been playing for more hours than I care to admit and we say it's time to take a break, you're a mess. You promise every.single.time that you will "get off as soon as" I say to. But every.single.time it's the same ending. So we all end up frustrated with each other. We're trying to limit (again) because it just makes us feel so yucky. But coming off of any addiction is hard, just ask me about Sims or netflix.


I presume our homeschool life will always be like this - Mommy and Daddy nervous for weeks on end that we're not doing "enough" and then you do something incredible and we breathe easy for a few weeks until we start to panic again and the cycle continues. You recently drew a picture of someone jumping into a pool. You never draw. So when you do, it's incredible. (Thus framed pictures you've created and no framed pictures of your sisters because her artistry is so prolific). Secondly you wrote "splash". You needed help remembering what makes the /sh/ sound but you wrote the rest. And ... we haven't even really started writing lessons and we've been panicking about our slack-itude. And then you write beautifully. So we're on a homeschool high right now.
We love being on this journey with you!

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